1) JERAWAT -,-
who am i? i used to be a girl who has lack of confidence about myself. especially when my 'marvelous' pimples grow on my face, i was like, 'ouh shit. they come again' when i am asked to take pictures together, i refused. i was wondering, till now, i still thought of the same thing. why dont i have a clear face like all my frens. i was reli envy of their clean n clear face. :( siriesly . i do wanna have a fce like them.man,very pure! i tried evrything, facial wash, medicines, but still, there's no effect on face. i know i must be grateful of what Allah had gve me, but people still can try evrything to make things more better rite? but, tetiba aku fikir. maybe there's a reason y God gves me mcm ni. tak smua org perfect. msng2 ada advntages. mna ada dlm dunia ni yg perfect kn ;) kalo nmpak mcm hidup seseorg tu smpurna, try to ask her/him. ada x dlm hidup diorg yg diorg rsa x puas hati. i bet they'll say yes. even me,myself mmg ada je yg tak lngkap. such as, this jerawat thingy -___- mmg sumpah aku geram gila dgn jerawat ni. tah bila la dia nk stop bhnti melepak2 kat ats muka aku ni en. hehh. in brief, mmg confident aku lack la kalo setiap kali jrawat ni timbul dlm hidup.sometimes malu dohh jumpa balak ngan muka cmni :( hmmm. i do reli hope one day, muka aku licin but actually, skrg ni da very veryyy much better da muka aku. :D im very hepy . better la to compare ngan dulu2.
okayy, fesly, aku mmg photography maniac! wohoaa. sumpah aku minat btul bab2 photography ni. i really adore budak2 yg pndai dlm photography! bukan aku minat 'suka' tu, i mean the pictures they took, awesome gila babi lahh! dah la gila, babi plak tu.heh :D i dont have dslr cmera. i only hve slr cmera and their sharpness are not the same. mcm mna pun aku msti dptkan jugak camera dslr yg aku idam2 kn tu. hopefully mama n papa kasi green light la :( pleaseeeee lah mama! *muka begging,* n the latest, im targetting this one :>
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this one! cantik lah. :( plus, red kaler la plak kn. membuak2 aku tgk dohh :O |
okay lah, i think would be enough for tonite. tak larat dah mnghdap lappy drpd td je -___-
nyte semua!
3) TE AMOR <3
3) TE AMOR <3
and yes. im taken. bhaha. wat cm ada org tnya psl status aku je :P sja nk bgtau. mne taw ada org nk ngorat2 ke. hehee. :D erm. nme given starts with A and ends with S while the second name starts with S and ends with R :D agak2 pe? wehee :) nntilah bgtau. nk crita dulu psl dia. actually, i never thought that i could end up with him. tak pernah terlintas pun dlm fikiran nk kapel ngan budak maktab pon! dulu bukan main dgn gah nyer aku ckp kt kwn2 aku, 'ish. form kita ni sorg pun tak hnsem. apa la yg hmpa suka ngan diorg' hehe. haa, tgk2 skrg, hamek hg. kapel gak ngan budak mktab. tula, dulu tak reti jga mulut sgt. berlagak konon tanak budak maktab. see now amelia farhana :) dpt gak form sniri en. hahaa. but nvm. i dont mind dah. len kali i nid to beware of my words la ;) hehee. dia tinggi weyh! urm. 174cm kot. if im not mistaken la. hee. tinggi en en? hmm. aku da la suka laki2 yg jnis tinggi ni :D our beautiful date is on 14th May 11 . pd jam 2.30 pg kot. hee. ntah la aku pun tak igt dah. yg psti date tu btul :D ouh and yes man, im his first love! suci lg fikiran dia. mse dia mntak tu en, aku mcm nk jerit je. yela, a guy like hi, susah weyh nk ckp those sweet words. tmbah2 lg nk propose org, msti susah gila nk ckp ayat2 tu. i was like, yahh of koz aku nk. and lastly, dptla aku jd hakmilik dy. and also thanks to those yg tlong2 rekemen kn aku tu en. hahaa. tah pape je diorg suro jumpa la, jd org tgh la. ksian hmpa en kne tlong. but aku tak suro pun. u guys request to help me, so go on :D hehee. and till now, 18/11/11 we are stil together! bapak ah kita mmg superb la! da 6 months bhai. hahaa :D i dont care what people said bout u, i still love you :) ouh and nma dia, ANAS SYAKIR B.NORAZMAN :)