Wednesday, November 23, 2011

the fairytales of us XD

the story begins.....

one day, i heard u were making jokes with ur frens. ya allah, bising gila !

then, me and azmirah curik2 denga wat the heck la yg diorg bsing2. -___- when i heard something u talked about a teacher pe tah, we both laughed like hell jugak! :D

believe it or not, u make me think, mamat ni bot bad jugak la. :D just bkoz of his jokes, i started to like him. ppfffft. hehe. :D not romantic at all en. :D

then i started to tell my frens that i like you.everyone was like, ' takan hg minat kt dy kot weyh' , 'whats wrong with you amelia' and etc .  hee. tgk2, there were some volunteers yg nk tolong rekemen kn. i dint ask them pun! they came and they said let them i dont mind. hahaa.

at first, im not sure whether u would have the same feelings or not. bkoz people said, u dont even talk about girls before. *wahh, baik gila en* hehh. so i dont put much confident pun. :P

days by days, rsa mcm dpt positive result la plak. hee.. then u text me mssages. and my reaction at that time, 'wahhhhhh, dy text aku!! ' hepi nyer! hepi nyer!! hahaa. although msa last2 msg tu abu kaco aku ckp i love you -___- , nsib baik x terpedaya. i know u wont said such words at early stage :P

then, one night......

we were texting. subhanallah. lmbat nye u reply. nsib baik the next day is saturday. so tak kesah la kalo tido lmbat. see, snggup tido lmbat smata mta nk text. hee :P and luckily syasya slept with me on that night, so at least there's sumone to accompany me.

pastu, suddenly syibu said, ' mel, nnti kalo dy ckp pape, hg accept je' . at tht time, i was confused. pe bnde lah syibu ckp ni. then, suddenly u said u wana ask something. so i said, go ahead :P dlm hati tgh fikir apa la dy nk ckp ni. hehh. and, yeeahh! he asked for hand in couple! hahaa. fewwhh. at last. :D and i was like, u are not kidding are you? then he said his not. then i said, nak lah. hehe. yayy :D

so the date falls on 14th May 11. at 2.30 a.m kott. erm im not quite sure about the time. but mmg da pagi pagi buta da time tu :D at last, i win his heart. hahaa. its not easy yea. ;)

during my bufday, u were not here. u went to the football tournament. yeah, i kinda feel bad about that -__-
but nvm, u were among the eraliest person who wish me happy birthday :D hee. and thanks anw for the perfume.dpt hadiah lg. hahaa :D its lovely .

u know what, now he's getting better okay. tak blurr sgt dah. dah pndai nk naughty2 ni :D hahaa. sape ajar, aku gak. :D well, im not sure actually.mybe he asked some of his frens. :P i hope he's getting better nnti. hehh. but sometimes he always makes me waiting for something that i always expect from him. i do reli hope he gve something special for me :) it is not a material aspect, its something else :P figure it yourself. every girls want it :)

well, today is 23 NOV 11. its been 6 months together. hebat tak kami? hahaa. i know there are mny other couples yg lg lme en :P naahhh, who cares. :) reli hope we can make it till forever. :D *jiwang la plak -___-
one more, put on more effort yah honey.. :) i know u can make me happy like the others. u just need to make me happier than before..

ouh and lastly, im dreaming of...............................

we could share our wonderful moments together ,

and  grow old with you :)

the end.. <3