Assalammualaikum and bonjeur people ;)
It has been ages i dint visit this blog kan kan kan?! berhabuk blog aku ni. but here i am, once again * nyanyi lagu avril lavigne* okay dah. people its holiday! yayy, its holiday time! time for those hot stuffs to get out from their house and take some snapshots with their buddies and post them in fb --' So,as usual, im gonna share about how my life's going during last last last days.sory for not updating. i was prisoned in my hostel :( sobsob.
Anyway, just to share, its my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY on the last 14th MAY 2012. *claps to myself* we made it. we made it. : Honestly, i am really happy to know that my boyfriend and i managed to get till here.although there are manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy other couples who had their relationships longer than us, but who cares? :P you know, the feeling u get when your partner remember the date of the special day, i cant describe how happy i am :) too happy. i dont have any idea why am i so ecstatic about it. yeah, people might say, "alahh, baru anniversary couple, as if tu anniversary kawen" or "why are u being so happy? dont be." and so on. Do you ever know what my reaction would be, nahh, who gives a shit. So back to the topic :) the moment when he wish me the anniversary thingy, i wish he could see my ters of joy. *over sgt la plak kan. what i mean is, BOY IM TOO HAPPY THAT U COULD REMEMBER OUR DAY! sort of mcm tu la kiranya.
I was doing my math mode revision when he text me a message. At first, i thought he dont remember our day. but when i read the content of his message, he remembered. he was being so sweet and cute. jap nak recall.he text me on 12.07 am. as long as u remember that would make me smile till ears. a simple "i love u" from you would make me feel like i just won a billion dollar.seriously.
Sincerely, i always wanted a long lasting relationships. even with my ex,we lasted for 2 years :) aint it sweet? :) i miss those moments. but destiny had written that we are not meant to be together. i dont reli care anymore.hmmm. why are we talking bout him anyway? --'
Dear LOVE,
First and foremost, sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing means absolutely everything to me. i love you.i dont want to have an amazing couples of months and then it all over in a flash. i dont even want to experience the feelings of hurt,confusion and dissapointment. i believe that u will never let me feel that way, will you? :) i want to be with you, and i want us to last. no matter what we run into, ad no matter how hard life brings, i want us to stick together. Secondly, you made me smile without trying.waaa, hebat la u kan.*clapping* if i said i didn't feel anything for you, then i would be lying. i don't want us to be better in expectations than in reality. and yeah, i always remember how we started talking. kinda funny. pftt. hahaha.*gelak terguling2* . the only that i know is that when i'm with you, i'm the happiest girl in the world. i wish i knew what goes on in your mind when we talk <3 Going to sleep thinking bout you, waking up still thinking about you. how can i resist :P you know, when you fall in love with an unexpected person, at the most unexpected time. i never expect you to be the one. :)
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nah! for you! heheheheheheehe <3 |
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oh btw, i found this. pls buy for me one day okay :D hehe |
p/s : just in case u read this honey, i love you switheart :* so much than yours.
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i love you, boyfriend <3 |
Hugs and Kisses,
Jennifer Kardashian <3