Thursday, March 8, 2012

what goes around comes around

07 January 2012

I'm home. for about a week. jyeahh. but, guess wad.i brought home my hw too. ckgu2 mrsm kepala batas ni kan, diorg kalo kasi hw bergunung ganang, berbukit bukau dan sbgainya. but i understand, its their role to make students clever. plus, we are having our 4.0 campaign ni! u guys know what is 4.0? taw x?? hee. its a pointer that we used in every exams. it shows how much pointer tht we get for the last exam. cuakkk wey tunggu pointer kluar. as for me la kan, smentara nk tunggu pointer kluar, taubat nasuha dlu. hehe. nahhh, kidding :) yelaa, everyone wish the best for themselves kan? ;) hmm. okay then!  cuba tka what im goin to talk about? :D heehehe. its about LIFE :)

PEOPLE, WE LIVE IN THIS WORLD AS A HUGE COMMUNITY.mannn, gila bapak berjuta2 org kt muka bumi  tuhan ni. ada malays, indians, chineese, those mat salehs, org asli, maurie, *i dont know how to speel it right* arabians and etc lah. and, ada manusia yg kerdil and ada je yg tingggggggggggggggiii :) how unique this world is kn. and bumi kite terletak di galaxie yg bernama Milky Way yg berbentuk spiral shaped. hehehe. ceyyy, actually im revising my form3 science chapters ni. :D okay dah, back to the main.

so, bila dah berjuta2 org yg hidup di bumi, it means that terdapat berjuta2 perangai yg ada la kan. yelaa, rmbut sma hitam, hati lain2. :) eh tak jugak en, english people, blonde en? hmm takpelah. ttak kkisah lah. what i wanna highlight here is stiap mnusia mmpunya hati dan fikiran yg berbeza. ada yg bad tempered, chill, backstabbers, trustworthy, sensitve *which is me* and blalala. kalo smua  sma je prangai, bosan ahh -,-

i was born not to pleased all of u. weyy,ade ke mse lahir2 tu, my mom bisik, 'baby nnti dah besar please everyone okay'. -,- tak en. penat jaga hati org! PENAT SANGAT! im tired of crying alone. its true. mslah kwan2 for instance. ya rabbi. mslah kwn2 lah yg pling tnsyen skali i think after fmily probs. i dont like problems. yeahh, who likes kan :P but sumpah, i hate them very much. whenever i tried to pleased anyone, still ada je tk kena. then takpe.its fine. i tell myself, 'its okay. dont be mad easily. chill' and so, i move on with my life. bila things get better, the next problems plak dtg. kalo bukan psl kwn, psl something else plak. :P im trying to please everyone although i know it'll never work. be positive. its what people for me, we cant be always positive. somehow we need to take the negative one either to make some good changes or something. if ada org buat kte, then i think we should just back off. do u know about karma? its like a curse or something. -,- im not reli sure, but it'll happen. siriesly. thats y la, kalo org buat jhat kt kte, nnti msti org lian ckp, 'nvm2. what goes around, comes around' . sme jugak dgn mksud allah tu maha adil. Dia akan balas segala kjahatan yg org buat kt kte. *cheyywah. hehe. yelah kan, what u give, u get back la. mana aci aku sorg ke kena hntam.ouhh, lemak btul :P

so what i did was, keep smiling. tadaaaaa :D hee. so what all those stupid problems kan. show your pearl-white teeth people. snyum je. i know its a fake one, but erm, at least if we smile, part of the problems kite boley lupakan ;) trust me. lgpun, senyum kn sedekah :) tak slah kan kalo kite snyum? :) think it wisely. 

i guess this picture above suits for our topic today kan ;) hope so. hee. enjoy tak crita hari ni?? :D enjoy tak!? enjoy tak!? mke sure enjoy tau. hee. till here je lah. nk mndi.haha. okay people. have lotsa fun on march okay! njoy ur holiday students! :) daaaaa. <3

                                                                                                                               Huggs and Kisses ,
                                                                                                                               Jennifer Kardashian <3