Monday, February 6, 2012


04 February 2012
assalammualaikum ;)
hows your afternoon people? adakah ianya indah? sejuk? PANAS? bkoz mine is hot!! arghhh.ouh anyway, hepi thaipusam people. have a blast people. *ckp smbil kepala tergeleng2* haha. thanks for this thaipusam holiday ;) 

so people, actually, today i got no topic to talk about. saje je tergegeh nk jugak buat blog ni -,- pulun jugak nk cari idea. and after bertungkus lumus mencari idea, i got one! TADAAAAAAAAA! Shopaholic. yayyy. haha. in which i am one of the worst shopaholic girl -,- kira mcm confession of shopaholic la kan. haha. ni kire untung aku takde credit card u know. if not, Isla Fisher dlm confession of shopaholic tu mmg in my version la. habis stu kedai aku borong -,-

u see the sratement above? no? okay, let me tell u again. 'WHEN I SHOP, THE WORLD GETS BETTER' . jyeahhh. u got it? anyone yg tak fhm lg? nk kena translate ke? hee. ceyy, nolah kan. ni smua mesti well english educated punya kan kn kan? :) so, i guess, bila u guys read the statement written, msti boley agak betapa 'trok' nya aku dlm hal bab2 shopping ni kan. even me myself istighfar byk2 bila tgk balik barang2 that i shop. omg omg omg. tp, kalo tak beli, rasa regret. so, what do u expect me to do?!! haisyy. tensyen2. 

hari tu kan kan, during my last day of end year semester break, aku baru la terhegeh2 nak beli brang skolah. ouh ya before that, my fmily kan, sukeeeeeeeeeee sgt buat keje last minute. like siriesly u olss -____-  im not that type taw x. when things got late, i easily got nervous and my heart dupdapdupdap dgn begitu kncangnya skali and even mcm nk terkeluar! for intance i tell u, time nk htr balik mktab. Ya Allah Ya Rabbi, i prepared myself very ealy.but then tgk2 keluar rumah lmbat jugak. aiyooooo. mama2, papa2 -,- hehh. but its okay, its our family trademark! jyeahhh. although its a negative one -,- nahh, who gives a shit. ouh back to our topic :) 
pastu kan, masa tu dah pkul brape. siries shit, smpai sunway pkul 9. imagine nk shopping only for an hour. tak sempat weyy, siries tak sempat. urghh.. and then kan, ada ke patut mama plak yg ber-shopping utk diri sndiri -,- hnya tuhan yg tahu betapa sabarnya aku time tu. i was like, 'mama, bykkk lg my stuffs yg x beli lg and u shop for urselves' tp ckp dlm hati la. hee. tak berani nk bersuara :P and so, end up, my barrang  tak lengkap la alamatnya kan :) nsib baik la time tu balik mktab for kiks programme je -,- if not, haisyyy. tak taw la ceq nk  habaq mai. 

and ada skali tu en, papa once pernah marah. tersentap trus. yelah, bkoz he's not the type yg mrah2 punya :P so when once he raise his voice, mmg mcm harimau mgaum laa. im not too sure apa dy ckp hari tu, but satu je yg mmg i remember til today. > ' kakak ni mmg mnyusahkan lah! ' terdiam aku. hee :) foineee -,- i cant deny, mmg nafsu shopping aku mmg tahap max, but yelahh, nk buat cmne kan :( sedih btul kne mrah! :'( 

look! ada sale! omg omg omg !

see ! shopping makanan je pon. hee. :D

so i need to control myself in buying things. no,its MUST :) Its one of my resolution this year. err, hope it will ;) hehe. anas said, buat list nak beli apa everytime pegi shopping mall. hehe. i'll try then ;) so i guess that will be all for today :) tomoro morning dah nk register into mrsm kb :) alohamigos new people :) do pray the best for me people. see yah next holiday! <3 toodles

                                                                                                     Hugs and Kisses , 
                                                                                                                Jennifer Kardashian ;)

teman teman

30 January 2012

olla people ;)
so, at last, habis pun KIKS programme in our school. after a month  we learned about those kemahiran2 thingy. and spent our last wonderful times together, so this is the end. and this coming wed , 8 FEB 2012, we will have our re-registration day as a new student okay, i highlight that, NEW STUDENT OF MRSM KB. muahaha *evil laugh* mesti muka smua bajet suci je en. yelah, budak baru katakan :P but somehow, tak smua my frens yg register sini balik :'( bkoz these geniuses are moving to a better school. ada yg pndah ke mrsm taiping, tgb, langkawi, pengkalan chepa, langkawi and even trolak ngan alor gajah pon ada :O omg omg omg. sedih gilaaaaa! *ambik tisu lap air mata * okay dah2. but of koz i need to be sad coz' my best fren is moving too. imagine, my best fren!! why people! why!! baru je nak hepi, this year i got the same room with her :( nnti dgn sape lg aku nk tido sekatil, buat lawak bodoh same2 and doin stupid stuffs together :'( but xpelaa. nk buat cmne kan. ada rezeki,kita jumpa la kan dayah kan? :) jgan lupakan aku taw dayah :) although kita suka bergaduh, slalu berselisih pndapat, u still my bestest :)

hmm, tp inilah lumrah kehidupan kan. ada yg pergi, ada yg dtg. mnusia ni perlu berhijrah aite? kalo kita mcm tu jeeee, mcm mne nk maju kan. we need to move on step by step to reach the top :) as a saying goes, a thousand miles begins with a single step. so frens, all the best okay. hentam lah jawatan gila2 punya! make we proud of u :)

and for us who still remain here......... hehehehehe. ehem2 :D senior la weyh kami kat sini. weehooooo! :D
habislah juniors. hohooho. ceyy, taklah. kami smua baik -,- y? tak pcaya eh? pecayalah! pecayalah! hee. okay dah lah. mrepek dah aku -,- hmm thought of nk ambik jawatan yg tinggi2 lah. hehe. im not sure whether i can do it or not, but...................... boley kott. hehehe. actually, tak sabar nk jumpa new frens nnti. dunnolah whether are they good,bad or evil. hehe. nolah, kidding. nk usya is there anny ht guys coming in. muahahahaha :D hey nolahh, tak baik la. ZINA MATA. ustaz yg ckp. :P yeah wtv la kan.  so anyway, HELLO CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, ADD MATHS and BIOLOGY :) be nice taw taw! if not, i wont be nice to u either :P cant wait to explore u guys :)

introduce u, HIDAYAH PATHI :) bye dyah :'(

byebye sab :'(

byebye geniuses! :'(

byebye amirah and anis :'(

byebye athirah and dayah :'(

byebye abu :'(

i love this one!! look!theres my name! wooooo

miss u guys people! :')

err, ignore the shitty face. 

okayyyyyyyy people :) i guess, that will be all for today :) so selamat ber-form 4 my frens :) kita compare2 pointer eh nnti. aku semestinya 4.0. heehehe. AMINN. all the best in your studies and life undertakings :) do keep in touch okay. and so do readers :) toodles :)

                                                   Hugs and kisses,